Resolving Nvidia Graphics Card Fan Speed Error


How to fix the "Failed to set new Fan Speed" error in Nvidia Settings and the command "nvidia-settings -a GPUFanControlState=1 -a GPUTargetFanSpeed=60" in terminal

# Nvidia Graphics Card Set Fan Speed Error

Once you have installed the drivers for your Nvidia graphics card, you can set the fan speed manually from the Nvidia Settings app, or from the terminal with these commands: nvidia-settings -a GPUFanControlState=1 -a GPUTargetFanSpeed=60.

However, in some cases it will give you an error, more precisely "Failed to set new Fan Speed" error in the app, and these from the terminal:

ERROR: Error assigning value 60 to attribute 'GPUTargetFanSpeed' (GTX1660:1[fan:0]) as specified in
       assignment 'GPUTargetFanSpeed=60' (Unknown Error).

ERROR: Error assigning value 60 to attribute 'GPUTargetFanSpeed' (GTX1660:1[fan:1]) as specified in
       assignment 'GPUTargetFanSpeed=60' (Unknown Error).

## How to fix it

To solve this issue you just have to add one line to this file: /etc/X11/Xwrapper.config.


  1. cd /etc/X11/
  2. sudo vim Xwrapper.config
  3. Add this line needs_root_rights=yes before allowed_users=console

So your file should look like this:


# Xwrapper.config (Debian X Window System server wrapper configuration file)
# This file was generated by the post-installation script of the
# xserver-xorg-legacy package using values from the debconf database.
# See the Xwrapper.config(5) manual page for more information.
# This file is automatically updated on upgrades of the xserver-xorg-legacy
# package *only* if it has not been modified since the last upgrade of that
# package.
# If you have edited this file but would like it to be automatically updated
# again, run the following command as root:
#   dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg-legacy

Reboot the system and it should be all working.

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